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The power of critical illness insurance, what it is and who should get one

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Critical illness insurance is a type of insurance coverage that provides a lump-sum payment in the event that the policyholder is diagnosed with a serious illness or medical condition covered by the policy. This lump sum payment is designed to help policyholders cover expenses that are not covered by health insurance such as medical treatments, experimental treatments, medications, rehabilitation, alternative therapies. It can also be used to cover living expenses, mortgage or rent payments, transportation costs, or any other financial obligations during the treatment and recovery period.


The specific illnesses covered by critical illness insurance policies can vary depending on the insurance provider and the terms of the policy, so it’s very important to read your insurance contract in order to know for sure what you are protected for. However, critical illness insurance policies typically include major conditions such as cancer, heart attack, stroke, organ failure, and other life-threatening diseases outlined in the policy. Some policies may also cover less severe conditions or offer additional coverage options for an extra premium.


The decision to purchase critical illness insurance depends on your individual financial circumstances and your healthcare needs. Typically, the following people would benefit the most from critical illness insurance.

Individuals without Sufficient Savings

Individuals lacking adequate savings should consider critical illness insurance to safeguard against financial devastation in the event of a serious illness. Without substantial savings to cover medical expenses or sustain daily living costs during recovery, they risk financial hardship or even bankruptcy. Critical illness coverage provides a lump-sum payment upon diagnosis, offering immediate financial relief to cover medical bills, mortgage payments, and other essential expenses. By investing in this insurance, individuals without sufficient savings ensure they have a financial safety net, protecting their assets and securing their future well-being in times of crisis.

Self-Employed Individuals

Self-employed individuals lack the safety net of employer-sponsored disability benefits, making critical illness insurance essential. In the event of a serious illness, this coverage offers financial support, enabling them to meet medical expenses and maintain their livelihood during recovery. With no guaranteed sick leave or disability pay, self-employed individuals face significant financial vulnerability when unable to work due to illness. Critical illness insurance provides crucial protection, ensuring they can focus on their health without worrying about financial strain.

Family Breadwinners and Individuals with Dependents

If you are the primary income earner for your family or if you have dependents (i.e children or elderly parents), critical illness insurance can provide financial support to your family members if you become critically ill and are unable to work. This form of insurance serves as a safeguard, ensuring that your loved ones are not left financially vulnerable in circumstances where your ability to generate income is compromised. By obtaining critical illness coverage, you establish a protective measure that can alleviate the potential strain on your family’s finances during times of crisis.

Individuals with a Family History of Serious Illnesses

Individuals with a family history of serious illnesses should consider critical illness insurance to mitigate the financial risks associated with potential health issues. Given their heightened predisposition to certain conditions, such as cancer or heart disease, this insurance provides a crucial safety net. By obtaining coverage, they ensure financial protection in the event of a diagnosis, alleviating the burden of medical expenses and allowing them to focus on recovery. Critical illness insurance offers peace of mind and financial stability, empowering individuals to navigate health challenges with greater confidence and security, especially when familial health history poses an increased risk.

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Individuals Who Want to Supplement Disability Insurance

While disability insurance provides income replacement if you are unable to work due to illness or injury, critical illness insurance provides a lump-sum payment upon diagnosis of a covered illness, regardless of whether you are able to work. Some individuals may choose to have both types of coverage to ensure comprehensive financial protection.


Before purchasing critical illness insurance, it’s important to carefully review the policy terms, coverage limits, waiting periods, and exclusions. Additionally, consider your overall financial situation, existing insurance coverage, and potential out-of-pocket expenses associated with a critical illness diagnosis. Ultimately, It’s advisable to consult with a licensed insurance agent or financial advisor who can help assess your specific situation and determine whether critical illness insurance is a suitable option for you.

Posted in Pers. Finance


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